Capstone Week 3

 This week we did a lot of brainstorming and picking concepts, and also planning for benchtop testing in the lab. 

Meeting with Client: 

Do a benchtop lab to measure pressures. 

Brinkley's notes for the team. 

Research on Elastic Resistance & Strat 1: 
From: Is Ahmed Glaucoma Valve Consistent in Performance?

This study did not take into account pressure after the valve as shown above and below. 

Explanation of why they didn’t do this: “Differential pressure can be determined by subtracting the outlet pressure from the inlet pressure. Because the AGV was submerged in a saline bath, its outlet pressure can be considered as nil. On the other hand, the bleb resistance in an in vivo condition will determine the outlet pressure. Therefore, a higher outlet or bleb pressure can reduce the IOP-lowering effect of the AGV. Besides, a device with a higher opening pressure (e.g., in higher teens in vitro conditions) is likely to end up at an inadequate IOP control in the long term, with the addition of tissue resistance to the dynamics of the flow. Prata et al.14 have shown higher pressures in vivo than in vitro due to tissue-induced resistance around the glaucoma drainage device.”

From: Inducing Elasticity through Oligo-Siloxane Crosslinks for Intrinsically Stretchable Semiconducting Polymers

-The crosslinking of polymer networks is a well-known strategy for realizing elastomers because it prevents irreversible sliding between polymer chains. (A lot of chemistry involved) 

  -Ultimately, there is a need to develop materials that are elastic while maintaining good electrical performance. While there has been work on crosslinking conjugated polymers within the PLED community, this is the first study on its effect on the polymer semiconductor film's mechanical as well as charge transport properties

-This was more about electrical resistance than fluid resistance, so didn’t totally apply to this strategy. 

Strategy #2:
Strategy #3
Research on through flow pressure sensor: 

I read this pdf datasheet of the product:

-Need to have a supply voltage 

-potentials for our lab

The highlighted ones are what we would be looking at because fluid could flow through.

I think these need to have 4 connectors for the sensor. This looks like a potential, but I was a little confused about the electrical side of it. 

I think these need to have 4 connectors for the sensor. This looks like a potential, but I was a little confused about the electrical side of it. 

Gantt Chart Research for Del #2

  • A Gantt chart is like a timeline of the project that shows deadlines and dependencies 

Step 1 - Review Scope Baseline

Step 2 - Create Activities

Step 3 - Sequence Activities

Step 4 - Estimate Resources

Step 5 - Estimate Durations

Step 6 - Develop a Schedule

Fixed Del #1 error

Should be 60.5 million 

Picked Top Concept and Why:

We are going to go with a remodeled Ahmed valve with rubber material resistance with a possible dissolving factor. We think this concept fits our problem statement and can solve the client's most wanted aspect of multiple varied resistors. This combines two ideas from Strategy 1, and Strategy 3, which both involved the Ahmed valve. Took this from two favorite concepts.



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