Capstone Week 6

 Week 6: 

Dr. Gordon talked about Next week's presentations and that we need to turn in our notebook, budget, and team evaluations by next Wednesday. 

Jira Del #2 Update for Notebook Deliverable 2 ver 2: 


Created and made a theme for ppt. Presentation. Added all the custom colors, and the slide titles for the different sections. Created Title slide as well.

Fixed the budget to make a necessary, good, and great project budget

I tried again to troubleshoot my Solidworks download. I had to google each one of my error pop-ups and then figure out how to fix it. This took much longer than I anticipated having to troubleshoot and download. 

I finally got all the issues resolved (I had to switch my compatibility and then uncheck the electronics portion of the download). 

 Drew up an updated design first on Ipad before I could start on Solidworks. The new design had fenestration holes, like Ahmed. It also had new technology that keeps the tube open for flow once the pressure activates it. It also incorporated a dissolving factor for tube A.

Discussed with Brinkley how we want to combine the design above with her dissolving pebble concept. We want tube a to have the dissolving pebble in it.

Drew in solid works 

-A lot of time was spent trying to learn to bend a tube. I watched lots of youtube, but I could not figure out the Solidworks flex feature.

I ended up not banding one, and just went with a solid tube for the visual. 

It also took time because the valve casing was accidentally drawn in 3D instead of 2D so I had to fix that so I could extrude and cut.

Worked on PPT presentation. On the design slides. I added my iPad drawings of the designs and added a visual border.

Assigned Next weeks work on Jira

I added the sections Advisor meeting times and notes to the notebook. I also added a section for us to put the articles we used for the literature review.

I created a slide to show our benchtop testing. 

I also did my peer evaluations - emailed Dr. Gordon privately. 


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