Week 6

 This week in class was brief because of the engineering career fair. We had a quick lesson with Dr. Gordon and went over our designs and budget with him. 

Meeting with Client:

In this meeting we went over our 3 designs, after discussion we decided to choose Kierstin's design of the parallel resistance, but then in the first valve we will be using a dissolvable component. 

Dr. Rickard was able to give us important feedback for each design and help us decide which one had the most potential of working. 

Updates to Del #3

I had Deliverable 3 for updating and inputting into the mid semester notebook. I fixed some formatting and spelling errors and read over it again before adding it to the notebook.


This week I was the one mainly in charge of the powerpoint. Kierstin found the template/color scheme for us, and I filled the slide with content. I contributed slides (3,4,6, 8-16, 20, 22, 23), so every slide but these 5: (1,2,5,7,21). This took most of my time deciding what needed to be presented in the powerpoint and creating charts and diagrams that were visually appealing and went with the content. 


I helped contribute to the formatting of this document and putting the headings into the table of contents. I also add the newest version of Deliverable 1, 3, and 4. As well as doing the safety sheet and client meeting notes. 


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