week 10 Alex



-First identified in 1987 by Japanese scientist, Yoshizumi 

- A clone of an unusual series of repeated sequences was accidentally made while testing a gene responsible for alkaline phosphatase 

He Jiankui:
Scientist that developed the first human babies that had edited genomes 
Known for the twins are now resistant to HIV infection due to the DNA editing that he did on their embryo 
Edited the DNA in an embryo and implanted it back into a women to then give birth to twins that have the edited DNA 

Could have lead to a very poor outcome 
CRISPR has still not been tested enough for it to be safe 
Was not thinking about the health of the babies or the women that carried the babies
Ended up going to jail  

Ethics Principles 
-Respect for life and public good
“Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public” -NSPE
Accuracy and Rigour
“Perform services only in areas in which they are competent in”
Integrity and Honest
“Remain honest in all their transactions”
Respect for life and public good
“Shall not aid or abet an unlawful practice of engineering by a person or a firm”

Christian Worldview :
As long as genome editing it used in the proper setting. Such as taking diseased cells and attempting to find a cure for it. Testing such experiments will need to be very carefully established and may only be proceeded with caution

Contemporary Practices :
-Gave some people the idea that they could also do this experiment, but “better” and perform experiment unsafely again  
- Give some people hope that it can be done and in the future it can be a safe option to cure diseases
-Leaning from his mistakes in a good way and make CRISPR safe to allow for gene editing 

Flow Rates With Graph and equations: 


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