Week 11 - Brinkley Brooks

 This week was completing our prototype and testing. We have a general design right now of an epoxy oval with 4 tubes. One tube is connected to the syringe and the other three contain resistors of varying levels. We did a lot of work on trying to vary the resistance this week. The design that we are going to go with is resistors of the same diameter but different length. In our larger prototype, we have different length epoxy cylinders in the tubing. We made those cylinders by cutting open a silicone tube and filling it with epoxy. Once it was dried, we cut it out of the tube and cut it into three different lengths. For the smallest tubing, we are using different length of polyester sutures as our resistors. For both scenarios, this ensures that the shape of every resistors is the same. 

Here are the new square molds Kierstin created and I filled. These are much smoother than the previous ones, which will allow easier drilling, and a cleaner look overall.

Video of Kierstin and I testing the triangle resistors I made. They worked, but were not the same shape, so hard to tell if the resistance varied because of the shape or the size. 


The sutures that we used as the resistance for tiny tubing. We varied the length three times to create different resistance levels. 

Video of the epoxy cylinders as the resistors. They have different lengths but same diameter, so they create different resistance. 

New filled epoxy boats. 

Meeting with Kierstin Notes: 
  • Discussed Email and Team dynamics 
  • Thought of enclosed silicone system methods
    • Rolled tape in the boats and then pull out tape to make holes.
      • Did this on 11/18 and it works, will use for future design potentially
Last Lab time - using softer silicone in the molds


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