Capstone Week 11/12 Fady Riad

 Week 11/12 consisted of coming up with a design to measure the volume of the eye after the implantation of our prototype to monitor IOP. Inflow/outflow ratio based on volume to determine the success/failure of the product. If the inflow is higher than the outflow then the volume would increase and vice versa. This is another way of testing the product besides the pressure sensors.

I researched various volume-measuring devices but found none that would work on a spherical solid other than using a graduated cylinder which will not be accurately monitored over time.

Here is an example of the devices that are offered on the market, Cube 1 from Blickfeld LiDAR:

These devices would not be suitable for our project.

I did research on laser/ultrasonic sensors and came up with a design that contains 11 small and accurate ultrasonic sensors that would surround the eyeball from every direction and get a continuous reading of the distance.

I reached out to the company to inquire about the sensors and have not heard back yet, might consider other options.

The use of multiple sensors is possible but need to be in the right orientation for it to work and not cause any crosswalk between the sensors.

This is an example of using Arduino to control an ultrasonic sensor to read distance measurements.

The design has two holes on the sides to insert the eyeball with our product and will be fixed in the middle. All 11 sensors will be pointing at the vertex (eyeball).

I met with a software developer to discuss the possibility of creating software that takes the distance reading from every sensor and plots the point on a 3d-plane which then the volume is calculated from the shape formed. This will achieve our goal of continuous volume reading of the eyeball as the product is implemented.

I created a checklist from Jira tasks, Notebook requirements, and Presentation requirements.

I worked on my presentation slides and practiced the presentation material.


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