Semester 2 Week 3 - Brinkley

 This week consisted of lab time, research, calculations, and working on Del. 5. 

This week in the lab I removed the molds, created more stiff sutures, attempted to thin the walls even more, and looked at the flow sensor. 

The molds came out great and the release spray that we used worked really well. We were able to poke holes in the molds to fit our tubing, and then we will put the stiff sutures inside of the tubing. The valve was assembled and any holes were sealed. 

These are the different sizes from the mold. 

We tried to thin the walls of the tube out again and we did it by submerging the tube in boiling water while having water flow through the tube. We did not see any results from this. We again trued the tube over the candle, but this time flushing water through it, and that did not seem to make a large impact either. The best option right now is shaving the tubing to thin it. 

A big chunk of my time was spent on finding helpful calculations to do and executing them. Here are all of the ones I did. The P value in the stress equations needs to be found using the pressure sensor, which we are still setting up. 

The rest of my time was spent working on Del. 5. I also reached out to Fady for help with the pressure sensor and got no response, so I am still waiting to see what to do next for that. 


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