Semester 2 Week 12 - Brinkley

 This week in class we discussed with Gordon what needed to be changed and updated on the poster. The notes he had for us were to better explain the reasoning for the three valves and what issues they solve. We updated the poster with these images and explanations. 

During lab time, data was collected on our prototype. We were able to find when the 3 valves open and at what pressures. Valve 3 seems to have a defect because even at extremely high pressures it does not open. This is not a fault in our design, but is caused by using faulty Ahmed valves. Here is the data that we collected from class. 

Kierstin and I had a meeting on what needed to get changed in the poster, and here are the meeting notes: 

After the poster was finished, I began working on our final presentation. I looked over the requirements and began creating an outline for the flow of the presentation. I also worked on finishing my research paper. Because some of my sources were deleted that I researched, I had to go back and find them, so that took extra time. 

I updated the jira for next week to show all that has to get done before the semester ends. 


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