Semester 2- Week 12 Kierstin

 Lab testing: 

This week we tested our manufactured valve to see the opening pressures for each ahmed valve in the system. We labeled the valves as follows: 1(left), 2(right), 3(middle) 

We used a water column at different heights to test at what pressure mmHg the valve would open and allow flow. The results and lab setup are shown below. 

We manufactured another valve that we will be surgically implanting into the pig head when we do that surgery. The valve has the same dimensions as the baerveldt valve, but it is not a functioning valve. 

Capstone Poster:

A lot of this week was spent working on the poster. I looked over Dr. Gordon's suggestions and made a mock-up of what I was thinking for a timeline of our design. I discussed it with Brinkley to make sure it accurately represented what we thought our product would do over time. 

I created these images of the eyes with our specific valve, which took a lot of time because I’m not great at photoshopping things and I had to just use PowerPoint and cropping tools to create the images. It also took a long time to format the timeline so that it would fit on our poster in a way that was easy to read. The table below is the final product that I put on the poster. 

I made the left side of the poster, but when looking at the right side I realized there was some discrepancy in the wording that did not match our project. So I reworded the writing sections so they were consistent with what we did, and the actual surgical procedures for glaucoma surgeries. I also created the chart shown below that represents the testing we did. It shows the opening pressures of the three valves. The 3rd valve did not open, but anything over 40 mmHg is not really anatomically possible. These pressures are higher than what we would want our valve to open at. This could be because the valves we got were defective. 

It took a lot of time to rearrange this side of the poster to fit both the pictures and the chart. The below image is the final arrangement for our poster for the right side with the picture and chart.


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